I decided early this morning that since I had the engine out, and the torque converter removed, that maybe it would be a good idea to replace that seal that keeps the transmission fluid inside the transmission. After all, its a 10-15 dollar part and its an engine removal struggle to replace it, so why not just do it now, while I'm looking at it.
Except its only available through the dealer! I tried- 3 places, NAPA, Autozone & Checker without success. I don't understand, its just a normal seal, big but a normal seal, but everybody referred me back to my friendly Ford dealer.
So, I flipped a coin and the decision to wait to reinstall the motor until after I replaced the seal won. I decided that I really did not want to be doing this engine swap another time for a leaky transmission.
Getting the old engine out yesterday single-handedly yesterday was a bit of a challenge but I managed. I did have to ask my neighbor for 1 minute's assistance to hold in the torque converter while I cleared the engine out of the way so it wouldn't fall out and get damaged. Other than that- by myself!
I got the old motor out and the new timing belt installed on the replacement motor. I also had to swap the exhaust manifold to keep the proper EGR system parts in place. I also replaced the fuel filter. It fastens to the fire wall and I don't imagine its possible to change it with the engine in the car. So by the end of the day, the replacement was ready to go in, which I thought was going to be today, except for that seal...
Can I be tired now?
UPDATE: I went to the Ford dealer this very morning and the polite fellow behind the parts counter was able to locate the correct seal on only his second try. More importantly, its cost was just $11.28 which was a reasonable price. And half what I expected to pay since it was coming from the Ford dealer. And it was made in Japan...
Anyway, I'm back in business for getting that engine inserted into the Escort. But its going to thunderstorm... Good grief!
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